The hospital currently offers the following services:
1. Efficient Diagnosis with State-of-the-art-Diagnostic Equipment
2. The latest accepted management of all treatable Medical Ocular Diseases, especially Corneal Diseases.
3. Scientific Medical Management of Glaucoma
4. Stitch less Cataract Surgery with Intraocular Lens Implantation (Cold Phacoemulsification and small incision cataract surgery)
5. Glaucoma Surgery (Trabeculectomy)
6. Triple Surgery (Glaucoma Surgery Combined with Cataract surgery & IOL Implantation)
7. All oculoplastic Surgeries including DCR and DCT
8. Evisceration and Enucleation
9. Fitting of Artificial Eye
10. Pediatric Ocular Surgeries including Pediatric Cataract.
11. Squint Surgery
12. Syringing and Probing
13. All types of lid Surgeries.
14. Corneal Transplantation
15. Patch Grafting for Corneal perforation
16. Anterior Stromal Puncture for sympotomatic relief in Decompensated Cornea
17. Glue+ BCL for Corneal Perforation
18. Contact lens Prescription and Dispensing
19. Spectacle Prescription and Dispensing
20. Occlusion Therapy for Amblyopia